Saturday, 14 May 2011

Time certainly does fly....

The dreaded work commitments have put paid to the canal fishing, so it's now a case of wait until the glorious 16th of June for the new river season, yes there is only one last month to go & then the river banks will be loaded out with the fair weather brigade, bombarding each & every swim that is accessable with bait day & night until they become bored with blanking.
Then it all becomes a formallity of how many barbel, chub & those illusive Trent carp all line up waiting to get caught, still you can only but dream on about it eh?.
Again I've not posted for a short while on the blog, for the simple reason of not enough hours in one day with work & everything else in between, taking up most of my time, you know the thing that annoys me most is that without thought or consideration, everybody always want their stuff sorting out like right now sort of thing & they just do not realise how much of my own jobs & stuff I have to also get sorted in such a short space in time.

Enough about the old dreaded work & stuff, woke up this morning to some sad news, an old life long friend of the family passed away, during the early hours so I've another dreaded funeral to attend some time next week.
I dislike funerals, I've been to a few & the reason why I dislike them is when people become so damn selfish because they've lost one of their parents & take it upon themselves to assume that that particular time in life revolves just around themselves only & that nobody else should be included at all, ok lots of dissions have to be made especially where there is no will involved, but at a time in life like that people always tend to show another side of themselves, it's all silly really but these things happen, yet there have been other funerals I've attended where folks are so much more appriecative of the turn out on the day of family & friends who attend the funeral.

Ok that's enough about funerals an all, saying that I cannot stand weddings either, considering I've a catholic family, but that is the way I feel especially when these weddings don't last very long, seems a common thing these days, but not going into specific details & that's enough about weddings aswell.
One thing I have not got round to yet for this year is an holiday, but I'm working on it, lifes for living so enjoy it whilst you still can.
Been working on a few LGV's recently, even they're has hi-tec has cars these days with ECU's & service lights to reset, some vehicles now have a new bolt/screw fitting on them called torx plus which is a five lobe version of the original six lobe torx fittings.
It's a way manufactorors get around stopping the back street garages & diy enthusiasts from earning a bit of work, so that all the main dealership/franchises get the monopoly in the trade, but there are ways around that, lets just say I've a few friends within the tool making industry, whom can supply the requirements.
Actually these torx plus fittings aren't quite that new, they've been fitted to all vehicles after 1999 so they're a little over 11/12 years old now, so they've been around a fair while then & are most commonly fitted to diesel fuel injection pumps, ECU's, seat belt anchors & also them plastic inspection panels underneath vehicles, what we call the under carrage or even better known as splash panels, also like the original torx fittings torx plus also have a tamper proof version aswell, all that just so a select few can gain the monopoly in the trade, I believe it's called jealousy, in other words, your not pinching my work, still there is nowt like a bit of friendly competition is there?.

Well that's it for this latest blog post as ever lots to do in so little time.

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