Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Garden update...

Been busy in the garden again, got my first crop of onions out & some radishes (French breakfast) & very tasty they are, getting some nice tomatoes coming through but still having problems with blight which means I'm having to keep removing leaves other than that they are OK.
My leeks are also doing well now I've pulled out the weeds from in between them & the second crop of potatoes are coming on great too.
I've even managed to build a storage box for my garden equipment. Next job is to build a cold frame & then a greenhouse (materials pending).

So yeah everythings going great at the moment, just gonna go & finish off tying back my tomatoes up their canes before watering.
Also I've got some lettuces coming through nicely, so I'll have to go get some slug pellets asap before the vast slug & snail population in my garden prep themselves for a big feast the little blighters.  Right off to finish off this afternoons bit of gardening.

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