Thursday, 21 April 2011

Here we go!

Law breakers are wrong over their illegal river match says Keith Arthur | Coarse Fishing News | Angling Times | Gofishing UK

So there is going to be an out of season match on the river Severn, things like this are what it's going to take to prove the reason why we don't need the annual coarse fishing three months closure, but it'll take more than a single match to gather the research information, however I feel the angling club in question is going about it the wrong way, if we're to get the closure abolished, things need to be done in the more appropriate manners, not by the way this is being sought by force majure on the authorities, because after all it'll only cause all sorts of implications.

The one & final thing from me on this subject is good luck to the club, as they are risking some serious penalisation.

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